BT - Assure PKI Service

///BT - Assure PKI Service
BT - Assure PKI Service 2018-04-03T10:13:21+00:00


tScheme Limited
Regus House, Victory Way
Admirals Park
Kent  DA2 6QD  United Kingdom

tScheme is the industry-led, self-regulatory, not-for-profit organisation set up to create strict service criteria and to approve electronic trust services, including qualified certificate services. tScheme approval will provide assurance to individuals and companies relying upon electronic transactions, enabling growth in e-business.

tScheme develops sets of criteria called Approval Profiles for commercially offered trust services. These allow service providers who are able to demonstrate that their services meet these sets of criteria to achieve added business value by using the tScheme approval mark. A contract is put in place to safeguard continuing good practice.

To obtain this necessary proof of trustworthiness, a trust service provider is assessed to the relevant profiles by an independent tScheme-recognised assessing body. A report is prepared, and if this certifies compliance with the tScheme criteria, the trust service is granted approval by tScheme Ltd, including the right to display the tScheme mark.

Membership of tScheme is open to all sectors of industry, and to trust service users, ensuring that tScheme continues to address true market priorities.

Primary Contact:
Stephen Davies
Chief Executive
+44 (0) 8702 417 497
[email protected]

Alternate Contact:

Richard Trevorah
Technical Director

+44 (0) 8702 417 497
[email protected]

Authorizing Party:

British Telecommunications Plc
81 Newgate Street
London EC1A 7AJ
United Kingdom

Grant of Approval

tScheme Limited grants approval to the electronic trust service identified as:

Assure PKI Service

as supplied by:
British Telecommunications Plc
of 81 Newgate Street, London EC1A 7AJ

The management system used to deliver this service is certified by:
LRQA Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Ltd.
of 71 Fenchurch Street, London, EC3M 4BS

to satisfy the criteria defined in the following tScheme Approval Profiles:
Title Identity Issue
Base Approval Profile tSd0111 3.00
Approval Profile for a Certification Authority* tSd0102 3.01
Approval Profile for Signing Key Pair Management* tSd0103 3.02
Approval Profile for Certificate Generation* tSd0104 3.01
Approval Profile for Certificate Dissemination tSd0105 3.01
Approval Profile for Certificate Status Management tSd0106 3.01
Approval Profile for Certificate Status Validation tSd0107 3.01
Approval Profile for Registration Services tSd0042 3.02

*including Qualified Certificates
Qualified Certificates (QCs):
This Service Provider has demonstrated compliance with the provisions laid down in Directive 1999/93/EC, including with the requirements of Annex I (requirements for QCs), Annex II (requirements for Service Providers issuing QCs) and those of Annex III (requirements for compliant Secure Signature Creation Devices - SSCDs).

This approval initially commenced on:

27th May 2002

and annual renewal against the current issue of these Approval Profiles was confirmed in:

May 2016

View documents supporting this grant

This Grant of approval is issued by:

tScheme Limited
Regus House, Victory Way
Admirals Park
United Kingdom

Company Number 4000985