Trust Frameworks: Their Critical Role in Governing Identity Systems and Allocating Liability

//Trust Frameworks: Their Critical Role in Governing Identity Systems and Allocating Liability

Trust Frameworks: Their Critical Role in Governing Identity Systems and Allocating Liability

This is a presentation that Don Thibeau, OIX Chairman, and Tom Smedinghoff, OIX Counsel, presented at the K(NO)W Identity Conference in Washington, DC on May 16, 2017

This presentation explains the role of trust frameworks and its importance in governing identity systems. Trust frameworks are multi-party contracts that assign liability among participants in identity systems. The session provides an overview of the business drivers and legal requirements needed to execute a trust framework, including the proposed IETF standard for what should/must/may be addressed in a trust framework. We will take a pragmatic look at the ways trust frameworks can be used to define, allocate, and limit liability in identity systems, and make the case for this new internet scale model.

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By | 2018-04-03T10:13:26+00:00 April 25th, 2017|Events|Comments Off on Trust Frameworks: Their Critical Role in Governing Identity Systems and Allocating Liability

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